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 Share dota replay ..

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Jumlah posting : 36
Age : 32
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Registration date : 29.11.08

Share dota replay .. Empty
PostSubyek: Share dota replay ..   Share dota replay .. Icon_minitimeMon Dec 01, 2008 12:18 am

Here are some of the features:

* Explorer-like replay browser (tree view+list fiew) with functions for copy/paste, delete/rename and creating folders.
* Auto-copying new replays (from LastReplay.w3g) and batch copying
* Replay search with a lot of options like game name, length, map version, player names and heroes.
* Can load replays from internet if filename starts with http:
* Player search
* Analyzes game lobby screenshots to build a list of players
* Builds a list of replays for different heroes

Replay parsing features:

* Displays game information like date, patch, map, game name, host, saver, length, players, score, winner and observers.
* Displays player list with level, buildcost, stats, lane, APM (actions per minute) and leave time.
* Colored chat view, probably works with other languages (tested with russian)
* Timeline view - displays roughly *estimated* hero movement over time - an animated version of the replay with many features.
* Hero builds - skills and items
* Action charts - including different action types, group hotkeys used, and APM over time graph.
* Gold and experience timeline graphs
* Presentation tab - format the replay in plain text mode, forum BB codes or HTML, for example to post a replay in DotA replays forum.

Selamat mencoba ..

walau ini cmn 2 dimensi replaynya ..

hahaha ..

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